Wednesday 9 February 2011

On This Day - 9th February

1773 - The 9th US President William Henry Harrison born
1891 - Ronald Colman born
1909 - Carmen Miranda born
1914 - Gypsy Rose Lee born
1922 - Kathryn Grayson born
1923 - Brendan Behan born
1928 - Roger Mudd born
1942 - Carole King born
1943 - Joe Pesci born
1944 - Alice Walker born
1945 - Mia Farrow born
1950 - United States Senator Joe McCarthy accuses more than 200 staff in the State Department of being Communists.
1955 - Charles Shaughnessy born
1963 - Travis Tritt born
1966 - A Protype Fast Reactor will be built at the Dounreay power station in a remote part of Scotland, the government announces.
1979 - Mena Suvari and Ziyi Zhang born
1979 - Football club Nottingham Forest clinches Trevor Francis in Britain's first £1m transfer deal.
1983 - A nationwide hunt for 1981 Derby winner and prize stallion Shergar begins in Ireland.
1985 - David Gallagher born
1995 - British-born Michael Foale and the first African-American astronaut, Bernard Harris, walk in space as part of a Nasa experiment.

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