Monday 21 February 2011

On This Day - 21st February

1893 - Andres Segovia born
1903 - Anans Nin born
1925 - Sam Peckinpah born
1927 - Erma Bombeck born
1929 - Roberto Gomez Bolaños born
1933 - Nina Simone born
1935 - Rue McClanahan born
1936 - Barbara Jordan born
1943 - David Geffen born
1946 - Tyne Daly and Alan Rickman born
1955 - Kelsey Grammer born
1958 - Alan Trammell born

1965 - Controversial black leader Malcolm X, who once called for a "blacks-only" state in the US, has been assassinated.
1972 - US President Richard Nixon arrives in China at the start of a week-long summit aimed at ending 20 years of frosty relations between the two countries.
1979 - Jennifer Love Hewitt born
1986 - Charlotte Church born
1988 - Jimmy Swaggart, America's leading television evangelist, resigns from his ministry after revelations he had been consorting with a prostitute.
1997 - Three men jailed 18 years ago for the murder of 13-year-old paper boy Carl Bridgewater are released after their convictions are ruled unsafe.
2001 - The European Commission bans all British milk, meat and livestock exports following the UK's first outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease for two decades.

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