Tuesday 1 February 2011

On This Day - 1st February

1895 - John Ford born
1901 - Clark Gable born
1902 - Langston Hughes born
1904 - S.J. Perelman born
1931 - Boris Yeltsin born
1937 - Don Everly and Garrett Morris born
1938 - Sherman Hemsley born
1942 - Quisling appointed prime minister of Norway
1948 - Rick James born
1952 - A new method for tracking down users of unlicensed television sets is unveiled in the UK using detector vans
1953 - Hundreds killed across Britain and Holland in violent storm and floods
1965 - Brandon Lee and Sherilyn Fenn born
1968 - Lisa Marie Presley and Pauly Shore born
1979 - Religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini makes a triumphant return to Iran after 14years in exile
1984 - Lee Thompson Young and the halfpenny coin removed from circulation in Britain
1994 - There are angry clashes in the House of Commons over the sale of the last major British car manufacturer Rover
2003 - Seven astronauts die as Space Shuttle Columbia breaks up on re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere leaving Nasa and the world in a state of shock and disbelief.

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