Monday 29 November 2010

On This Day - 29th November

1832 - Louisa May Alcott born
1895 - Busby Berkeley born
1898 - C.S. Lewis born
1908 - Adam Clayton Powell born
1918 - Madeline L'Engle born
1927 - Vin Scully born
1932 - Diane Ladd born
1933 - John Mayall born
1939 - Peter Bergman born
1940 - Chuck Mangione born
1949 - Garry Shandling born
1955 - Howie Mandel born
1956 - The government issues further details of its plans for rationing petrol from next month and Jeff Fahey born
1960 - Cathy Moriarty born
1961 - Kim Delaney born
1963 - A Canadian jet has crashes within minutes of take-off, killing all 118 people on board.
1968 - Jon Knight born
1975 - Former motor racing champion and father of Damon, Graham Hill killed in air crash
1985 - A young family of four are killed in an explosion in a block of flats in Glasgow.
1993 - The Conservative government comes under attack in the Commons over the revelations it has had secret contacts with the IRA.
1999 - Northern Ireland moves a step closer to ending 25 years of direct rule from London after the election of a Northern Ireland Assembly.

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